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Электрическая М&
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Поделиться230th Apr 2022 08:12:51
Why should I promise something? I am that I am.
He threw his leg over her and they were in 69 poses. His cock swayed in front of my wife's face, it was thicker than mine. She gently took him in her hand and pricked her head, began to lick his balls and prick with her tongue. I felt like I was going to come now, because it's not every day you can see your wife fucking another man, especially if it's your father.
She just looked at him in puzzlement. She doesn't have to do anything, she doesn't have to stop him, let alone run after him. The assessment has been worked out, it is pointless to wish for something else. She is the same as those who were with him before. The dark figure disappeared around the corner, and hateful tears flowed from her eyes, youthful maximalism and rash acts take over. She, at the speed of light, which she was, rushes forward and runs as fast as possible in the hope that he has not left yet.
Yes, such strange thoughts were in my head at that moment.
It so happened that Natasha let me taste your seed - suddenly Lisa shot, and she herself, not believing that she had said this, blushed sharply.
"And today we'll try with a finger, if you like it, then later Seryozha will try to insert his penis into your ass"
In the bedside table, in the third section.