Doctor Who - сквозь время


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Вы здесь » Doctor Who - сквозь время » Гостевая книга » Good Day. My name is Viktoria.

Good Day. My name is Viktoria.

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Nice day!

Hope all is well ! I'm Vika. And I live in Russia.

But despite the difficulties in my home, I wish to find a man from abroad.
I am a single lady and I dream to find a good man.
I want to have  a long term relationship. I am a smart andbeautiful lady.
I guess, i'm funny, I have a good sense of humor. I dream to meet  a man  and be with him rest of our lifes.
I'm 35 years old. And I will be glad if your answer to me



Hi all!


Вы здесь » Doctor Who - сквозь время » Гостевая книга » Good Day. My name is Viktoria.